On Monday, September 9th SPWA will have the water off in the Clarksville area on Market Steet, Green Street and all of Teagarden Homes. A rain date is scheduled for Tuesday the 10th. Thank you for your patience. 

Welcome to Southwestern PA Water Authority

New Water Service

All customers requesting water service must complete an application for service for each account requested. Please contact our office by phone or you can print out the Service Application to apply for service. Southwestern PA Water Authority requires that everyone over the age of 18 be listed on the application and provide proof of ID.  The application is subject to approval by the Authority along with payment of any required fees.  

To start the application process please email your application to spwa@atlanticbbn.net or fax it to us at 724-883-4925.

If you have any questions please contact Customer Service at 1-800-356-4168.  
New Water Service - New Tap 

If you are applying for a new water tap the Authority will need a copy of your survey map to verify that water is available.  The cost of a standard 5/8" tap is $2,000.00, please note some municipalities require additional permitting fees.  

Customers have the choice of installing their meter inside the home or outside in a meter pit. Southwestern PA Water Authority has pre-fabricated meter pits (please call for current pricing) or customers may build their own pit according to Southwestern PA Water Authority specifications. 

Please see the specifications for installing the meter inside your home or for building your own meter pit. 
Attention Contractors and Construction Companies 

Southwestern Pennsylvania Water Authority has five (5) bulk water purchase stations.  A Bulk Water account must be set up with the Authority prior to using the bulk station. Customers must use potable trucks, two of our vending stations have air gap tanks for non-potable water. (See below).  Each vending station also has a quarter side that distributes roughly 50 gallons of water per 25 cents.  Please contact our office at 1-800-356-4168 for further information or you can click on the link above to begin your application to start your application process. 

Bulk Water Vending Station Locations: 
  • Spraggs:
    • 132 Spraggs Road, Spraggs, PA 15362 - Located at Wayne Twp. Building
  • Wind Ridge:
    • 805 W. Roy Furman Hwy., Graysville, PA 15337  - Located at Richhill Twp. Park 
  • Ruff Creek:
    • 190 Dunn Station Road, Prosperity, PA 15329 - Located at Washington Twp. Building 
  • Center Twp. 
    • 3275 W. Roy Furman Hwy., Rogersville, PA 15329 - Located near Rush Funeral Home 
  • Dry Tavern
    • 1971 Jefferson Road, Rices Landing, PA 15357 - Located at SPWA Dry Tavern Shop  

*Please note the Rogersville Vending Station does not have a bulk water side.  
* The Dry Tavern and Wind Ridge locations have Air Gap tanks for non potable-water.